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International iPhone pricing

This page provides a comparison of unsubsidized, direct-from-Apple iPhone prices around the world. At this time, it does not include countries which sell the iPhone only through (other) authorized sellers.

Click on the Price in USD link to get the price at current exchange rates. The country link links to the iPhone page in that country's Apple Store.

Country Price in native currency Price in USD VAT included? VAT % Base price in USD Total purchase price for US consumer Sold unlocked?
Hong Kong 3GS 8GB HK$ 4088 $527 Yes 0% $527 $527 Yes
4 16GB HK$ 4988 $643 $643 $643
4 32GB HK$ 5888 $759 $759 $759
United States 3GS 8GB US$ 499 $499 No Depends on place of purchase $499 $540 † No
4 16GB US$ 599 $599 $599 $648 †
4 32GB US$ 699 $699 $699 $757 †
Italy 3GS 8GB €539 $725 Yes 20% $604 $604 Yes
4 16GB €659 $887 $739 $739
4 32GB €779 $1049 $874 $874
Russia 3GS 8GB 27390 rub $876 Yes 18% $742 $876 Yes
4 16GB 34900 rub $1117 $947 $1117
4 32GB 39900 rub $1277 $1082 $1277

† – assumes an average sales tax rate of 8.25%. As of September 2010, only 13 states had total sales tax rates of <8%, making this a reasonable assumption. Your total cost will depend on the exact amount of state, county, and city sales taxes in effect at the place of purchase.