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Palm software

My entry into the Palm world happened a long time ago, when my mom won a brand new Palm IIIx at a trade show. Since then, I have gone through a number of devices, including the IIIx, a used IIIc, a Sony Clié T615C, and finally, a Sony Clié UX-50, which I still use. Of these, only the T615C (which was a great device, btw) was ever sold, so we still have all the others. I managed to crack the screen on the IIIc once, when on the way to school I picked it up from my table after a HotSync and it fell out of my hand. Since then, the screen has been replaced, but the device obviously has little actual usefulness – it has only 8 MB of RAM, OS 3.5, and no external storage.

On this page, I list the software that I've used over the course of my Palm OS adventures. When available, I link to the official site of the product, but a fair number of these is no longer available online, so I hope that I can provide a new home for them. Hi-Res support is tested by simply loading the program on my UX-50 and looking at it.